Tuesday I was the delivery person for GAW. Now delivery as a job is not what I would call hard; not intellectually taxing nor physically taxing since I was delivering micro greens not pianos. But stressful it is. There are a LOT of people out there delivering product so we can consume them and there are “rules of the road.” Rules I did not always know (flip flops do not meet safety standards at Shamrock Foods) or follow (oops, forgot to put the money IN the meter—no ticket however).
Wednesday I took the day off and don’t really remember what I did, but I did have sushi for dinner. Did I mention Mark was in Grayslake for the week?
Thursday I took an Excel class. Very good instructor; he was funny, he taught off the book and he answered questions directly. I learned that I’m a beginning intermediate and I will be hoping to achieve intermediate status before the end of the year. It’s hard to know if this is achievable since I really don’t use Excel on a daily basis, but it’s worth a try.
Friday Mark came home and Patricia had a doctor’s appointment. I went with her since Cody had one too.
Well Patricia’s appointment went well. Dr. LaVigne is the perfect doctor for PJ.
The opera, Nixon in China, was terrible. We had a light dinner before at Tamayo a new Mexican cuisine restaurant on Larimer with a balcony setting – lovely. Since my companions Gil, Helen and Helen’s neighbor Carolyn thought 10:15 pm. was too late for dessert we did not stick around to discuss the pluses (few) and minuses (numerous) of the opera.
Saturday was hot so I joined Liz for lunch at Jill’s (St. Julien’s restaurant).
Sunday was a baby shower at the Craig residence, small but very fun. Guests were from Jason’s work
After the guests left PJ and I took Cody for a haircut.
He is one doll baby. And he kisses me, too. One cool dude.
All in all a good week off of work – it seems like forever since I sat at my desk.