May/June seem to be the months of celebration for marriage. It is true that in USA that births are at the peak in August/September (do the math), but it is unknown to me if May/June are the peak wedding months (and I'm unwilling to do the necessary research). So many of my friends are celebrating marriages of duration -- how can it be that I can easily list 20-25 peers with marriages of 25+ years. It is AMAZING.
My marriage began June 7, 1975, it was the 2nd weekend after college (I wish I could lead you to believe it was high school--every year counts!!!) graduation that Mark and I pledged our troth. (Look that one up).
Thirty-five years is a long time. I remember when I thought 25 YEARS was old. Lots has happened since that night to remember.
Three children, now a blessing to behold. All three have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (all I ever really wanted). A re-location to mid-America, a tad of an adjustment for this rocker chick, but one of the best decisions we made.
Lots of life ... lessons, ballet, wrestling, Pioneer Girls/Boys, cello, piano, basketball, softball, etc.
Domestication--although I knew how to cook I needed to learn what family life was all about. Canned ravioli, green beans and white bread resulted in the praise, "You are a good cooker." Not by my standards.
Camping. Good Lord, camping. The last tent camping experience was 4th of July in the Rocky Mountains--it snowed that day. Yes, snow. I announced I was done with this pleasure in this lifetime. (Although I have camped since then --NM with LOTS of Corona--I reluctantly say I hope I never see a tent again--only because that usually means I will).
The good life.
What matters now? Tan feet. A good Pinot Noir. Sunrise--yes, rise. A shared life with the one you love even if the Pacific Ocean and half the continental USA are currently between you.
God is good and He continues to bless me, abundantly, beyond what I can imagine or even believe.
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