The last couple of weeks have been highlighted with some big events. Beginning of July brought Leah and Noah for a visit from Chicagoland. Andrew drove out from Virginia. Tom and Joanna celebrated their marriage. Tyler was born. I went to Las Vegas in July. And Nathan and LeBechi Hovestol celebrated their marriage. That’s the chronological version. Here are some photo highlights.
Lots of laughter, splashing in water (bath time with Cody).
Andrew arrived on Tuesday (I think). Since he was driving I wanted him to text me each time he arrive at a new state. It was a good way not to worry and I'm sure he was pulled over to the side of the road to send the text.
4th of July means parade in Niwot.
Civic minded leaders provide decorations for kids of all ages to decorate their bikes, wagons and other means of transportation.
Now Niwot is a small town with a big parade. The only problem is, there are more people in the parade than watching it!
Uncle Andrew and Jack were among the watchers. Someone took a picture of me -- proves I was there.
Lots of pretty girls at the celebration.
Patricia has her hands full, but she is doing GREAT. Cody is the best big brother!
So I was free to join my BFF in Las Vegas.
Boy McCarran has really changed over the years. I remember running to catch a flight in the 70s and it was more of municipal airport then. Liz picked me up in the convertible.
This is the view from our hotel room.
It was HOT, 108 degrees a couple of days. Vegas is different when you are there working with Recovery ministry. Liz won't let me eat, just like Leah. So I'm still trying to figure out how I gained 2 lbs. (lost again already)
Today we celebrated with the Hovestol family. Nathan and LeBechi were married on July 5 in Atlanta, GA, honeymooned in Mexico and then briefly stopped in Longmont so we all could congratulate them.