I’m in the retelling mode. Now when I talk about Addis I tell the “best” story. This is not good. It means I’m not so connected—it’s more of a memory. I’ll work it. I promise to remember.
The next day of our trip was confusing to me. We travelled to Peter’s drop in center.
Then we proceeded into the classrooms to help with a craft. There were enough supplies. We made bookmarks. This was a little puzzling since I’m pretty sure none of the children own a book. They really enjoyed making the craft though. Kind of reminded me of some of the MOPS crafts I did—fun in the process but no earthly use for the item.
Over and over again I kept pondering why are the people so hopeful? Joyful? The conditions in Addis are not bleak.

The next day of our trip was confusing to me. We travelled to Peter’s drop in center.
The puppet theatre did not set up correctly so that was left for another day. Noah was connecting with the crush of children and his 20 matchbox cars or so were “distributed.” It too was not optimum.
Then we sang with the children and then did a craft. Singing is always fun with children, especially in ET.
Then we sang with the children and then did a craft. Singing is always fun with children, especially in ET.
Over and over again I kept pondering why are the people so hopeful? Joyful? The conditions in Addis are not bleak.
The landscape is BEAUTIFUL. But to an American there are not a lot of “things.” The houses are not large. The gardens are utilitarian not English gardens full of blooms. Clothing is simple and there certainly is not the volume of garments that crowd our closets.
Buildings are run down. Nobody is fat. All the “stuff” that glitters to the American eye is missing.
Buildings are run down. Nobody is fat. All the “stuff” that glitters to the American eye is missing.
BUT and it’s a big but, the people are full of promise, hope and contentment. They LOVE God and each other. Problems exist but God is bigger than the problems. The men who lead the ministries, Peter, Nega, Ephraim, Yohannes, are trusting God for big things—
things like food for hungry children, soccer jerseys for street boys that need something to do and someone to do it with, books to read to learn of God and all He has created, and the generous giving from people with things, some many unnecessary things.
These men and others like them are gracious, kind, hard-working men of prayer that believe God is who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do, men of faith. Superheros.