Mark and I began our Easter celebration on Holy Saturday, participating in leadership in the Children’s Ministry at Flatirons Community Church, Lafayette, CO. We arrived at 2:45p (yes, 2:45p, apparently lots of people go to church on Saturday at 3p). I worked the K-1st room for 2 sessions, Mark for 3. Lots of kiddos. I think the smallest session was at 39 children. Plenty of workers, though. This was the BEST holiday I’ve worked in the children’s program. Good singing, GREAT Bible teaching, fun craft, darling children.
We attended the 4th service of the day at 7:30p that night. Glad I’m not on the Service production team—whew! Four services on Saturday and Sunday yet to come!!!!! There was communion, a FABULOUS light show, worship music extraordinaire and as always Jim teaching from the Word the story of redemption, completion, hope, and joy.
And that was just Saturday.
Sunday, I joined my co-workers at Calvary Bible Church in Boulder CO.
Then I prepared some side dishes for dinner at the Swanson’s. It’s always fun at their house. The food’s great. Eric, being a carnivore had 3 kinds of meat (ham, turkey and beef) all cooked to perfection. He MAKES you taste it all.
Arriving later, Brenda and Rich sat with us along with their son, Philip. He’s darling. Articulate, interesting, handsome. I wish I had one more daughter to marry off.
Then being the party animal I am off to the Yegge household for dessert. Mark made his award-winning cheesecake to share with the Yeg-meister’s and Cheri’s sister’s family. It was the first time for us to face-to-face meet Libby and Rick (and girls), but I feel like I know them. TR cds, photos and stories all make you feel like you know someone. What a lovely family.
Alyssa perked up when Patrick stopped by after work. While he had eaten dinner earlier, dessert and seconds were rigueur de jour. No pictures of this event – I was pooped. But, just for the record, Cheri was dressed darling in a CAbi fun-print cardigan. Matt was out-of-town but we spoke of him often as Godiva was left behind for safe-keeping. Brett remained cool (not hot and sweaty) before he departed to join Nikki and her family – the boy goes to girl house.
Resurrection Day 2008 – He is Risen!
I would just like to point out that "Sanctuary" is referred to as "The Worship Center". I thought you knew that : )
Fun day!
Do you think Resurrection Day is a little churchy? Your dress is great!!! I mean great! You look so young and your skin is amazing.
ILY and can't wait to see you in 10 and a butt days
Sounds like a great resurrection day. No better way to celebrate our this day than with such good friends. I have such fond memories of times at the Swanson's house. See you on Fri. Pete
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