Okay. I'm in Charlotte. I arrived Friday evening. Un eventful flight, thank goodness. The very first flight change went smoothly. When I arrived Noah helped me unpack my bag and he found this drum in my suitcase. It had a bunch of musical instruments including drum sticks. I wonder how that got in my suitcase?
Charlotte is very pretty city. Small. Mostly clean but this CIAA event is happening so there's lots of tourist trash about. We began Saturday with Starbucks (surprise). The walk is just perfect about 15-20 minutes. Noah enjoys his steamer and then helps put all the trash in it's appropriate container.

Then we walked to the Discovery Museum. Lots of sights to see on the way--lions for instance. Curbs around the flower beds (yes, flowers are in bloom--mostly violets) make a perfect jumping off point.

Noah posed as a NASA astronaut. He would make a very strong, handsome commander.

There is a small children's section which we will visit again with cousin Cody that has 'slides, a water feature and lots of children, parents and grand-parents. We spent an hour busily playing.

When we went shopping (surprise) there was the ride in the car. The sun is bright here, too so sun glasses are the option of the day.

Sunday we attended church at Steele Creek Church. A lot hallelujah but it was a good morning of worship.

Noah attended Sunday School for the 1 hour and 50 minute service (I think this counts as 2 Sunday attendances).

It's a good start to a GREAT week.
excited to share in the festivities. See you soon. Pete
i love the bandana. he looks like a biker (he just needs some tattoos.)-maybe uncle andrew can work that out for him. cant wait to see you this weekend.
blogging from Charlotte...good work : )
-the office misses you!
i just want to go on the record, even though i have no place to speak, you still have not posted anything new either...ily and miss you, see you in CO
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