Once, when I was extolling the pioneer virtues of enduring hardship, my father said to me, "If the pioneers had Cadillacs, they would have driven them."
Lately I've been thinking about cities. The recognizable architecture, say the Brooklyn Bridge, from the ground or the air you see the bridge and you KNOW it's the Brooklyn Bridge. Interestingly there are those historians who say that if this bridge was not built Brooklyn would have been New York City instead of just one of the five boroughs.
Posted by Deb at 5:30 PM 1 comments
Once a friend (John B.) said, "When your husband tells you he is thinking about nothing, he is really thinking about nothing."
Posted by Deb at 10:10 PM 1 comments
Throughout life you learn things. Some of those things are valuable and some are indispensable. This week I've been reflecting on WHO taught me the important things.
Posted by Deb at 11:06 PM 1 comments
Posted by Deb at 12:12 AM 2 comments
Due to Kim A.s influence I've decided to published my list of things to do. Hers was 101 in 2010 but I'm modifying and taking a look at what to do for the final third of my life.
The first third (0-25/30 years old) is the beginning. Learning how to live, how to be a family girl, get an education – academic and the work related learning progression so you can be a functioning citizen as in get-a-job. Many find a life partner. I did married him at 23 years old. Too young, but so far it's working out okay. Many start a family. I did, all three were born before I was thirty. Too young and if I had to do it over again I would do it the same way just 3 years later.
The second third (+/- 30-60 years old) is the living of life. We built our family. Training and teaching the three to be productive, contributing members of society. We had a lot of fun along the way. Careers were built, a future and a hope. We lived like it really mattered. Sharing Christ in so many different ways. Bringing meals to sick families. Taking care of children (sometimes adult children) so parents could have break. Listening to hurting people, sometimes helping, sometimes just listening. Building baseball parks, teaching VBS, helping pregnant women, cleaning others houses and cars, moving young families into their new home, hosting dinner parties, knowing and loving our neighbors, sewing dance costumes, baking cookies, serving classroom teachers. Essentially living life in the 20th century with the end purpose of knowing that living and being while honoring God would/could/might result in His glory.
The final third (+/- 60 – ? years old) is the reflective time of life. There are still retirement plans to contribute to, but leading the way is now that 2nd third group of people's responsibility. Advice and counsel is the primary function. This can go easy or hard. If you think you are still cool you're not. If you think the polite attentiveness in conversation from those younger is agreement/understanding/awe, it's not. They could learn it the easy way—ask, but they won't. The world is brand new to them and we learn from history that we do not learn from history.
Well, many years ago I heard a preacher end his sermon by saying something like, almost all people start with passion, enthusiam and energy. Most do not finish well. And then he charged us to finish well. Throughout my life these words have come back to mind and I have lived my life differently because I wanted to finish well.
To that end here's my list of what is left to do. (BTW I am NOT yet 60 yo.) I will periodically update my achievements, possibly add to the list but my intention is to make public what I think I should do with the purpose of not letting the time slip away.
1. Find, execute, enjoy the ultimate chocolate chip cookie
2. Learn embroidered smocking and make 3 matching dresses
3. Take watercolor painting class
4. Resume gardening; learn potted techniques for current region
5. Annually read 10 books on a variety of subjects (spiritual growth, fiction, current management strategies, biographies, etc.)
6. Learn wine (history, vintages, regions, taste)
7. Participate in a book club (possibly on line)
8. Maintain at least a cursory knowledge of internet technology advancements (for example Twitter)
9. Daily walk 2 miles
10. Catalog “best” recipes
11. Create silhouettes of grandchildren
12. Participate in local community service projects/ministries
13. Weekly post on blog about subjects of a “timeless” nature
14. Continue to downsize/eliminate possessions
15. Participate in a Bible study
16. Write a letter a week
17. Create “I've Been There” book with notes and impressions
18. Climb Diamondhead
19. Watch the big surf on the North Shore
20. Visit Bishop Museum
21. Swim in the ocean at night (again)
22, Swim one mile in one session (resting between laps is allowed)
23. Travel to San Antonio, TX
24. Travel to SD to see Mt. Rushmore and the Black Hills
25. Annually attend 2 live music performances (I'd like one to be Paul McCartney, but who knows)
26. Annual day of solitude for reflection, peace of mind, renewal with God
27. Annually spend a retreat weekend or day with close friends
28.Travel to South America (Peru, Argentina or Chile are the preferred locations)
Posted by Deb at 6:39 PM 3 comments
Everybody's blogging again. Now that I use an RSS service I get the updates regularly and I like it. (Thanks Kim!)
Posted by Deb at 6:13 PM 1 comments
Okay. In general I'm not a fan of tattoos. Reason: They are PERMANENT.
Posted by Deb at 4:49 PM 0 comments
May/June seem to be the months of celebration for marriage. It is true that in USA that births are at the peak in August/September (do the math), but it is unknown to me if May/June are the peak wedding months (and I'm unwilling to do the necessary research). So many of my friends are celebrating marriages of duration -- how can it be that I can easily list 20-25 peers with marriages of 25+ years. It is AMAZING.
Posted by Deb at 4:18 PM 1 comments
In 2 1/2 hours we depart the homestead for paradise. Korea has been a mixed blessing. I am not yet able to write a post that accurately describes my feelings, impressions and beliefs about this 2 month sojourn. I do not have words to express the deep emotions -- emotions of love, isolation, faith, service, hardship, and joy. But they will come.
Posted by Deb at 10:21 PM 0 comments
"I hungered for a spectacular life of extraordinary triumphs, and I don't think I understood anything really about obedience or humility in terms of this sort of life. The idea for me was to be exceptional, to be great."
Posted by Deb at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Yesterday I was walking the streets of Daegu and the first Koreans to speak to me said, "You were probably very beautiful when you were young."
Posted by Deb at 10:17 PM 4 comments
So it’s Monday morning January 11, 2010. In one week I will be in Taegu, South Korea to beginning a new adventure. Leah and Brian have increased their family to 4 in a very short time span and since one of them (Miss B) is still in ET they have asked me to join them in their adventure. Mark will stay in the States to take care of the house and finish his business with the organic farm in Oregon. We will share the same abode sometime later this year
This is a BIG change for me. The first 25 +/- years were spent in SoCal setting up my life, school (CSUN), marriage and the start of family. Then our move to Colorado in the late 70s began the phase of building on that foundation, educating our children, establishing careers, growing in our faith in Christ. Now after 30 years later another phase begins.
There is less to be sure about in the details of life and more about which to be comfortably secure. I will use this blog to capture my impressions, observations, and musings as well as a photograph or two.
Here’s to saying yes and deserving the adventure ahead.
Posted by Deb at 12:08 PM 4 comments